Raw Totapuri Mango is the famous mango found primarily in Andhra Pradesh.

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Raw Totapuri Mango is the famous mango found primarily in Andhra Pradesh. The Totapuri Mango is also grown in the Indian States of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. These mangoes are large in size and golden yellow in colour. It is oblong in shape and has a prominent beak-like pointed end. These mangoes vary in length but are generally about 7 inches long. The skin of the fruit is usually thick and the colour can vary from green to yellow.

This variety of mango is known to contain nutrients, such as vitamins A, E, C & B5 and is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C. Some of these vitamins are good for adding a glow to the skin and its antioxidant enzymes provide nourishment to body while increasing resistance power.


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